Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Show and Tell Tuesday

Hello, hello everyone!  It's been a busy week and a half, and by busy I mean my wife Jen went into the dentist for two impacted wisdom teeth, and a crooked tooth with a cavity! Most of my thoughts have been on her recovery, and as she's feeling better, well... Here I am!

So today is Show and Tell Tuesday! This will be a link up. Basically, you show off something you've made lately and you tell us all a little bit about said craft! This can be something drawn, painted, crocheted, embroidered, constructed... Whatever YOU make. I wanna see! 

Of course, what kind of hostess would I be if I didn't show off my own little somethin' somethin'? This is a digital scrapbooking page I made featuring Christmas 2010! I remember that Christmas Eve and Day as if 'tis were truly yesterday... I can't believe it's almost been a year. Here Here for a fabulous Christmas 2011 and Happy Holidays all around!

Link up your creation in the comments below! I can't wait to see what you've made!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Craftsters Unite

made by me via My Memories Suite 3 software. 

Hello, lovelies! Remember when I said I wanted this to be a community? While, this is where that community starts! I am planning on making a page on this blog where I can store our information so we can mingle. It's not only a way of making friends, but also a way of having your blog advertised... For free! I'm posting a simple questioner. You can answer said questioner in my comment section or by e-mailing me. Whichever you'd prefer!

So, let's unite and become friends!
  1. Name:
  2. Age:
  3. Where do you call home:
  4. What is your occupation:
  5. What is your dream occupation:
  6. As of right now, what arts n' crafts do you do:
  7. What are three artsy craftsy hobbies you'd like to learn:
  8. What is your blog link:
  9. What is your Twitter handle:
  10. And finally... Give us one random fact about YOU: 
Yep, that's all! I'll fill in our Craftsters Unite page as I receive your answers! And so you don't feel alone, here are mine! 
  1. Name: Angie
  2. Age: 22
  3. Where do you call home: West Jordan, UT
  4. What is your occupation: Unemployed artist and blogger
  5. What is your dream occupation: Work from home artist, craftster and blogger
  6. As of right now, what arts n' crafts do you do: Traditional and digital drawings, digital scrapbooking, web & graphic design and beginner crochet.
  7. What are three artsy craftsy hobbies you'd like to learn: Advanced crochet, embroidery and art journaling.
  8. What is your blog link: www.lariatsandlavender.com
  9. What is your Twitter handle: @AngieBailey13
  10. And finally... Give us one random fact about YOU: I love libraries. I can spend hours looking through anime, manga, fantasy, sci-fi and how-to's. I'm hoping I can begin to explore small, independent bookstores in my area soon! 
Now, let's hear yours! ♥

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Crafty Craftster Introduction

Hello, everyone!

You may know me from Lariats and Lavender, which is my personal blog and my home sweet home on the web and as LnL is my home, this is definitely my craft room! If you haven't heard of LnL before, let me introduce myself!

My name is Angie, I'm happily married and in love with my gorgeous wife and soul mate Jen! Together we live in Utah, along with our fur babies (both kitties) named Wedge and Mau and our feather baby Jango. ♥ I'm 22 and my love for everything artsy craftsy started about, oh, 22 years ago! I've always been an artist, even when I was simply scribbling fashion or made-up worlds for my sweet little animal characters as a little girl.

Both my mom and my grandpa (whom I sadly never had the chance to meet) were artists and growing up, my mom ALWAYS made sure I had every artistic supply possible. Sketch pads, pencils and markers were my drug of choice until 2008, when my gorgeous wife who supports me so, so much purchased me my first digital tablet! Ever since than, I've been doing a mix of traditional and digital art. I love them both and simply can't choose a favorite! I'm very lucky and have a mother-in-law who also supports me and often gifts me sketch pads, pencils, markers and all sorts of artistic goodies that only further me along and encourage me! 

It's because of my lovely mother-in-law that I became an artsy type, however! It all started when she sent me a beautifully made Gothic Lolita bed-doll for my 18th birthday. I had never been around anything crocheted before and I fell in love with the beauty and detail that can only be done by someone's own two hands. When I moved in with Jen and her parents, I was able to experience handmade holidays. Christmas tree ornaments, stuffed animals, blankets and even sweaters made by my mother-in-law surrounded me! Plus so much more! 

I was truly afraid of starting down a craftsy path because I simply didn't believe I would have any craftsy talent. Earlier this year, my mother-in-law sat Jen and I down and gave us each our own bundle of yarn and a crochet hook and taught us the simple first stitch... And that's when my love for crafts exploded. 

I'm also lucky that the blogging community is SO FANTASTIC! I have a full GReader that has so many lovely, talented ladies who not only craft but buy handmade lovelies from around the world. 

And that's why I've started Crafty Like a... Craftster. I'm a beginner crocheter with a passion for crochet and so. much. more and I know many others out there feel the exact same way. SO! I decided I would build a blog where we could gather and mingle no matter the distance. This is only my first post, my introduction of sorts, however I have big goals for this little craft room of mine. I hope this will be more of a community than a simple blog... 

Watch this space for more information, because I want to make sure you - YES YOU - are involved in the crafty madness!

Before I end this post, I want to share a little bit more about me for those of you who don't know me very well: I'm a gamer and a geek - okay, make that a HUGE gamer and a HUGE geek! I can happily spend hours shopping or outdoors. I love airsoft. I love science, history, the unexplained, archaeology, mythology, astrology and astronomy. I love the unexplained. I'm an avid tweeter and I love e-mail. I adore letter writing. I'm a True Blood, The Big Bang Theory, Animal Planet, History Channel and Discovery Channel junkie... I also love animation! I'm a big kid.

My dream career is working from home as an artist and craftster and possibly, even a blogger!

I adore the holidays. I'm Wiccan with a huge jolly heart full of love for the Sabbats. I can happily browse Pinterest for hours. My favorite food is anything made by Jen, especially Italian and Asian dishes. Dollar stores make me smile. I love coffee and Mountain Dew, however hot chocolate will always be my drink of choice. Oh and let's not forget home-made beer, absinthe and really good scotch. I'm a hookah smoker - but I'm trying to quit.

I'm a Leo and a Snake. I celebrate my birthday on July 28th. Autumn is my favorite season! 13 is my lucky number and Captain Ron is my favorite movie. "I Cross My Heart" by George Strait is mine and Jen's song! I'm a huge animal lover. I'm a mix of a cowgirl, goth, hippie, artsy craftsy type and am a huge girly-girl who doesn't hide her tomboy side. I'm so, so thankful for my family and for my friends and for you! 

If you've read this far, thank you and WELCOME!!! Please don't be afraid to comment below, as I love getting to know others in the blogosphere!